Les Dokimos

The spirit of Jezabel by Shora Kuetu


“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” 1 Timothy 4: 1-2 Undoubtedly, we are living in the latter days before Jesus-Christ’s glorious return. In fact, all conditions are set for the Lord Yehoshooa/Jesus to return; so each child of God must prepare himself/herself to meet the Groom. The Prophets and especially the apostle Paul have made us know that, for most Christians, the end of time will be characterised by deceit (seduction of all sorts) and by apostasy. Beside all the natural disasters and the various political & economic crises facing nations today, a terrible religious spirit is about to emerge with great devastations in the Evangelic circles and in the Christian homes, in general. This spirit is one of the demons serving satan and whose purpose is the destruction of the faith of many of Jesus’ followers/disciples. It is in fact the spirit of Jezebel, a religious spirit and of false prophecy, the more seductive, the more powerful. Its only objective is the seduction, if possible, of as many of God’s children as possible, especially of those who look after/pasture the flock.

That is the reason why we have to be careful in proving the persons who claim to be Christians “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4: 1

The word ‘to prove someone’ comes from the Greek word ‘dokimos’ meaning ‘to test’. Until modern times, there was no bank system the way they are today and all money were made out of metal. So, to make the coins, the metal had to be melted. To make the coins, the metal was melted and then poured out into a pattern (mould). And later, after the coins had been taken out of moulds, many persons wished to collect the residues remained after this striking because the metal was the one that gave value to those coins; the metal in itself was the one that was worth something. Thus, for instance, in Athens, only during one century more than 80 laws were promulgated to fight the practice of falsifying the coins in use in that time.

Nevertheless, during those times, there were still honest exchange currency tradesmen who didn’t accept false coins and who used to put in use only coins with a law-approved weight. These men were called ‘dokimos’ or ‘tested men’. (2 Timothy 2: 15) Timothy, of Greek origin (on his father’s line, according to Scriptures) knew for certain the story of these dokimos. In his encouragement letter from Paul, this last one compares the false coins with the false doctrines and the true doctrine – with the true word; the coins exchange tradesmen with the men tested by God. So, the apostle Paul used here an analogy between the history of these dokimos and the spiritual realities which confronted the church during his time. Jezebel belongs to these unrighteous currency exchangers and her teaching is thus assimilated to the false money. Our generation needs righteous men and women, such as Timothy, to protect the holy doctrine and fight Jezebel and her works. Your brother, Shora   Read all the book here

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